Imagine your business could automatically process and communicate vital documentation across your supply network, using a system that is faster, cheaper and more accurate than manual processes. This is essentially how Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) works.
The right EDI solution will help improve supply chain operational efficiency and ensure a business maintains agility as markets change.

What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)?
If you need to know ‘how does EDI work?‘, you’ve come to the right place.
For decades, forward-thinking companies have harnessed EDI software to automate their inefficient manual processes across their business software and supply networks.
Now, cloud-based EDI gives organisations of all sizes the chance to replace their slow and expensive paper-based processes, in favour of automated and integrated digital systems.
By switching to digital, there’s no more searching around for the latest order, or head-scratching over the status of a credit note. EDI sorts all of this out by taking care of the admin in a fast and accurate way, without the need for manual intervention.
It is a secure, transparent and frictionless way of managing order data and accompanying documentation.
Without EDI
- Orders and other documents raised manually
- PDF's sent by email or post
- Re-keying of post and email orders
- Average cost of £14 to process an order
With EDI
- Orders, Invoices & ASN's raised automatically
- Documents sent and received digitally in seconds
- Digital entry directly into customers’ systems
- Average savings of 65% over paper-based systems

Choose EDI Freedom for complete flexibility
For complete flexibility, EDI Freedom allows you to build your own unique network and range of services. Use the EDI Freedom calculator to create your personal EDI solution.
Benefits of EDI?
Trading conditions are tough. Businesses like yours can’t afford to be held back by old, paper-based ways of sharing information.
You want your operations to be faster, more cost effective, more efficient and more accurate. You can achieve this by sharing data digitally and automatically.
Getting Started
Whether you are a start-up producer, a mid-sized manufacturer to an online retailer – electronic data interchange (EDI) will save you time and help process your orders more accurately and efficiently. Transalis is an EDI specialists provider, who will make your life simpler.
Measuring the benefit of your investment in an EDI solution can be complex. To help establish a baseline we recommend you look at the time you and your team spend managing invoices, ASN’s and delivery notes. Two of the most common benefits of EDI is the removal of double keying of information and the reduction in data entry errors.
Use our eDI ROI Calculator to see how much you could save...
EDI Made Simple
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