Organisations are looking towards business automation to propel them into the future. Investment in technology to automate business process is expected to increase significantly in 2022.
This report explores how Transalis clients are leveraging the benefits of EDI, eInvoicing and the automation of processes to deliver savings in both time and money across the business.
Forrester Research has predicted that businesses will spend 3.3 billion euros on automation in 2022*
European retailers such as ASOS, Sephora and Zara are just a few high-profile examples of businesses adopting automation to meet the ever-changing customer needs and complex internal processes.
In our report we uncover 3 key areas where process automation is helping businesses. Download your copy to find out more.

Download the Frictionless Business report
Discover 3 key areas where businesses can leverage the benefits of automation in our latest report.
To see how much you could save by implementing automation in areas of your business contact our dedicated team on 0845 123 3746 (calling from the UK) or +44 1978 369 343 (for international callers), or contact us via email To download our other reports visit our knowledge hub.
*Forrester Predictions 2022: