The events of the past 18-months have highlighted that an organisations’ ability to adopt agile business processes is essential to their on-going survival and growth.
Our recent report explores how EDI can support rapid change and demonstrates how agile businesses have leveraged EDI to their advantage.
Successful business agility comes through effective planning.
During this period of rapid change, businesses have turned towards D2C channels and ecommerce to survive. However, according to recent research by Transalis* businesses have highlighted concerns that their current EDI provider will not be able to support the supply chain changes they require to remain competitive into the future.
Our latest report details how you can harness the full benefits of EDI technology for an agile business, with manageable digital transformation, integrations into internal systems, and mitigating cross-border challenges after Brexit.

Download the Agile Business report
Discover how the automation of manual processes has transformed businesses for the future with this published report.
Contact our knowledgeable team to find out how you can create an agile business for the future. Call us on 0845 123 3746 (calling from UK) or +44 1978 369 343 (for international callers), or contact us via email to discuss your unique business needs. To read our other reports visit our knowledge hub.
*Is EDI addressing the challenges of 21st century commerce? A report from Transalis