June 28, 2021
EDI Transactions and Standards
EDI transactions are standardised electronic documents, exchanged by trading partners, to enable them to trade frictionlessly.
May 19, 2021
EDI meaning: a simple explanation
A simple explanation. EDI meaning Electronic Data Interchange, what EDI means, what it does and how it benefits businesses.
April 20, 2021
EDI basics: 10 steps to understanding EDI
Get to understand EDI with our guide to the EDI basics, including: how it works, the benefits, and types of EDI.
April 20, 2021
Choose an EDI provider with onboarding excellence
Need an EDI provider who can help with the onboarding of your trading network. Look for an EDI provider with onboarding excellence.
Industry news and updates,EDI Basics,Frictionless Business,EDI Technology,EDI
April 8, 2021
What does EDI stand for?
What does EDI stand for and how does it work? Find out how EDI can help create efficiencies in the supply chain for frictionless business.
April 8, 2021
Thinking about switching EDI provider?
Thinking of switching EDI provider? Look at the benefits of switching to Transalis eDI™. Our client shares how they saved £60k.
Industry news and updates,EDI Basics,Frictionless Business,EDI Technology,EDI
April 5, 2021
EDI standards explained
Learn about EDI standards. Including: common file formats and the most used terms and acronyms related to EDI standards.
March 31, 2021
Selecting an EDI company: what to consider
What you need to consider when selecting the right EDI company to provide document exchange software suited to your business needs.
March 26, 2021
How to choose the right EDI solution
How to choose the right EDI solution based on business needs. Finding the right provider, what to look out for, and the best EDI solution for your budget.
March 24, 2021
Electronic Data Interchange: EDI questions and answers
EDI FAQ. EDI questions answered with everything you need to know about Electronic Data Interchange. Find out what EDI is and how it works.